8 weeks pregnant, stomach feels? - how do you feel when you have an enlarged uterus
At 8 weeks of pregnancy, makes the stomach for a softer feel and drive?
When I stand up or lying on her back and I hit the stomach, it is difficult (as a kind of mass is present). But when I sit and I press it, it feels soft and empty. Has anyone noticed in 8 weeks? And you begin to cramp after (not during), the machines on your stomach?
When the nurse, the examination of the abdominal pressure, can you tell if you are 8 weeks of pregnancy? Furthermore, how can you tell if your uterus has expanded or not if) they (and people you never again asked before? Meaning this is your first visit to your clinic?
I have this same question and never got an answer and Im 13wks 3 days, when I went to bed soft soft soft but not really illiquid, but when I get up is already hard as a rock, the first thing to visit them and internal pelvic examination and PAP, generally allowed in the pool to see if your uterus is enlarged until today. It could even be a possibility (very bad) to hear the heartbeat. congrats by the way
Hello! Do yourself a favor and stop pressing on the stomach. You have a baby in there! Nurses and doctors crowded around him. They know what they are and where the press. You can just forget that little baby's eyes or something. I know that the eyes are not yet developed urge, then stop, which could be in progress! I can only say how much that you say when your last menstrual cycle. From there it is calculated. And then you check and tell you whether your body is in line with what we found.
Stop and share your baby!
Good luck!
In general, you can guarantee your EDD (estimated date say) by a blood test on the basis of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), which gives a doctor a series of numbers. I can also say, are more of a to make lots of babies, such as ultrasound and the heartbeat to be well recognized.
The fundus, or as we say, it begins to develop in the pelvis and feels like a tightness or washboard. When you sit and covers muscles and fat, it is difficult to feel. You should not start cramping after the exam, but only because some women because it is pressure involved, and some nurses can be a bit harsh. Normally, I can tell, as the discussion progressed in this manner up to 32 weeks and if we begin to measure. 8 weeks was determined by ultrasound.
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